Helping Disciple Makers Make Disciples

What We Believe

The Holy Scripture

  • The Bible is the inerrant Word of God and is our sole authority for faith and practice.


  • There is only one God, revealed in three distinct persons; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit equal in every divine perfection. 

  • The virgin birth of Jesus Christ


  • The fall of man and his condemnation as sinner


  • Christ died for our sins, was buried and His body rose again on the third day, ascended and exalted in the heavens 

  • God's sovereign grace and love for man's salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ

  • Justification, sanctification and eternal security of the believer in Christ


  • The Church is the Body of Christ and is composed of all believers in Christ from the day of Pentecost to His return for the Church at the Rapture. The Local Church as the body of believers are baptized by immersion upon repentance toward God and faith in Jesus Christ.